Archive | Vol 2, Issue 1 (Sept 2020)

Assessment 101: A CUNY Collaboration

In Summer 2018, members of the CUNY Assessment Council decided to collaborate on developing an online course to benefit faculty and staff across the CUNY system by introducing the  basic principles of assessment.  With the recently revised Middle States Standards and the increased demand for institutional effectiveness, the timing was ideal for a project of […]

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Pedagogical Love during the Age of the Pandemic: Formative Assessments to the Rescue

Pedagogical love is the genuine care and empathy expressed by a teacher towards a student’s learning experience and growth. This concept became starkly relevant when we transitioned abruptly to an online mode of instruction. During this period, the immense power of the assessment revealed itself while the significance of the grade dimmed somewhat. More specifically, […]

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How 20 Years of Education Reform Has Created Greater Inequality

When the Program for International Assessment (PISA) results were released in December 2019, they indicated that the last 20 years and billions of dollars spent on education reform in the USA had been ineffective. But the rankings are misleading. While American students remain roughly the same on aggregate, the top quarter of American students […]

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Assessment at an Urban Community College: From Resistance to Discovery

Over the past decade, resistance to assessment has dwindled, no doubt because of two factors. One is compliance. Regional accreditors across the country are exerting more pressure and enforcing stricter oversight at institutes of higher education under the pressure of the federal government. Rather than risk […]

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