Archive | November, 2021

Accreditation Standards to Include Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) are rooted in the cultural identity and lexicon of a civil society. However, in 2020, these words became aggressively polarizing among groups in America. Along with polarization, Americans either became fearful of their neighbors, separated from those who were different, were moved to a new awakening that there is much […]

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Interview: with Dr. Tammie Cumming

Dr. Tammie Cumming serves as Associate Provost and Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness at Brooklyn College.  She has provided educational research and assessment support services in higher education and at ACT Inc. for more than 25 years.  Dr. Cumming is a frequent speaker on educational assessment and accreditation on a national/international level and recently […]

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How Do We Know What We Know?

As scholars, we spend years training in our disciplines, developing techniques to make meaning of the world. As a chemist, I start with a hunch about a chemical reaction, then design experiments and measurements to collect data that provide insight into the reaction. From there, I continue with the iterative process of hypothesizing, experimenting, measuring, […]

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NCLB Turns 20: When Assessment is Used to Disguise a Dark Agenda

This January the vaunted education legislation known as No Child Left Behind (NCLB) will turn 20. Signed in the wake of 9/11 and sold as a revolutionary piece of legislation to help all children learn, NCLB leveraged a general naivete of how to measure student success to support an agenda of private interventions that generated […]

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