Archive | May, 2023

Satisfying Program-Level Outcomes by Integrating Primary Literature into the Online Classroom

Abstract: Because of the coronavirus pandemic, there has been a paradigm shift from traditional classroom instruction to remote online modalities. To provide the most current and relevant information on nuclear medi- cine technology to students without access to traditional resources on a college campus, it has become imperative that primary literature within the field be […]

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Nothing But Skill

It’s About Behavior Purposeful behavior or action is a demonstration of skills and competencies, present not only in every classroom but in any human interaction as well. Skills are behaviors that show how well we govern and how effectively we use the theoretical knowledge stored in our brains. The struggle for educators is that “behavior” […]

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Making General Education Visible

Making General Education Visible How visible is general education? Assessment has shown us the importance in education of being more transparent, of articulating learning outcomes and providing evidence of learning. Russian Formalist Shklovsky (1965), when describing art, used a metaphor that translates into English as “make it stony.” To make something stony is to defamiliarize […]

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